XtraChem-A4/DPrimary Industries FeaturesCut resistance level “A4/D”Smooth Nitrile coating for oil and water resistance.Microfoam nitrile coating for higher sensitivity and superior grip15G Nylon liner for excellent dexterity & flexibilityType A chemical resistance Add to Inquiry Cart
XtraChem-A3/CPrimary Industries FeaturesCut resistance level “A3/C”Smooth Nitrile coating for oil and water resistance.Microfoam nitrile coating for higher sensitivity and superior grip15G Nylon liner for excellent dexterity & flexibilitySeamless knitted liner for ultimate comfortType A chemical resistanceWashable and Reusable Add to Inquiry Cart
XtraChem-A1/APrimary Industries FeaturesSmooth Nitrile coating for oil and water resistanceMicrofoam nitrile coating for higher sensitivity and superior grip18G Nylon liner for excellent dexterity & flexibilitySeamless knitted liner for ultimate comfortType A chemical resistance Add to Inquiry Cart